CTS Technology
  CTS Services
  Measuring Digital TV




CTS Technology

Many of the UNITAM advantages derive from a proprietary content identification technology at its core called "Content Tracking System" or "CTS". CTS comprises a set of techniques and methods that can recognize an unknown clip of audio material among a virtually unlimited number of reference clips generated from known audio streams.

To do so, CTS converts audio signals into “signatures”; a continuous, low-bandwidth digital stream (i.e. a series of ‘1’ and ‘0’ symbols) that characterize the audio material being converted.

A powerful pattern correlation engine within CTS is used next to identify an unknown piece of content by scanning its signatures against a large set of previously-generated reference signatures. The right content is identified by analyzing correlation values according to proprietary sophisticated algorithms that provided unparalleled accuracy with outstanding performance.

Using this general principle, CTS is capable of identifying any unknown piece of content longer than a few seconds (so-called: “samples”) within a virtually unlimited set of known clips or streams (so-called: “references”) to provide a wide range of TAM services, of which the most familiar is “Broadcast Identification” (i.e. recognizing a channel being watched on a TV set) from its use in conventional TAM panels.

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